Just 5 minutes from Cava & Hotel Mastinell
We understand that some people love to practice sports while on holiday. For that reason, we offer free entry to the gym and the swimming pool at the Complex Aquàtic de Vilafranca del Penedès during your stay. It’s just 5 minutes walk from Cava & Hotel Mastinell.
Complex Aquàtic de Vilafranca del Penedès offers the following services:
– Fully equipped fitness room
– Indoor and outdoor swimming pools
– Indoor cycling machines (Schwinn)
– Fitness classes
– Pilates
– Paddle court
– Hydromassage area
The hours in which you can attend Complex Aquàtic are:
– Monday to Friday: 6-9am / 2-5pm / 8.30-10.30pm
– Saturdays: 9am-8pm
– Sundays and holidays: 9am-2pm
Please contact reception if you are interested in going to the Complex Aquàtic during your stay and once your hotel booking is confirmed.